Friday, April 15, 2011


HIV/AIDS has become a disease that not only affects the person who has but everyone around them. People can no longer say that in is only in one area of the world or with in a certain class or group of people; thou they may try. HIV/AIDS is a global disease and it is everyone's responsibility to do their part in its prevention and treatment. "According to UNAIDS 2009 report, worldwide some 60 million people have been infected, with some 25 million deaths, and 14 million orphaned children in southern Africa alone since the epidemic began." The stigma attached to HIV/AIDS has had some violent back lashes but predominantly the sigma causes social divides. It is unfair because some people contract the disease because of blood transfusion (Ryan White), needle transfers (typically drug addiction or substandard hospitals) and most commonly sexual intercourse of some kind (in which case the blame fell predominantly on the homosexual population).
     Currently the Aids pandemic is having a greater effect on those regions of the world that are culturally or consciously choosing to be belligerent or ignorant. There is a stigma towards a woman's sexual and reproductive rights in these place and the resources for testing or treatment are unavailable. Ostracism from ones family and the community and eventually death is the reality.
The meeting I attended was held by EcoSoc (economic and Social committee) they discussed the mandate and resolutions on the floor and many country representative disclosed what was a particular problems were relevant to them and a desire to see that addressed in the forthcoming document.

my notes

Informal meeting of Human Resource and Development HIV/AIDS
     Suffers the most devastating effects of this disease.
           They want to see the link between the effects of HIV and the economy and better access to treatment, prevention and affordable drugs.
           There is a need for strong articulation in removing the stigma of the disease and also in preventing and analyzing the mother and child transmission. 
 1. USA:
     The main point is strong action in the document and continued public force, attempting to reach all those affected and an end gender violence.
           The support from private, public and financial institutions is recommended.
           Countries must be in charge of their own drive to end this disease.
           The document should call on donor nations to promote development, protection for homosexuals, sex workers and drug injectors. Intensifying protection is the key step in reversing HIV. Treatment costs should include tariffs and taxes involved in trade.

2. France:
     For the EU, the political declaration should pay attention to the fact new HIV infections decreased by 9% and the deaths due to HIV have gone down by 19%.
           Globally, in the Middle East, Asia and Middle Asia, their laws inadvertently prevent access to treatment.  The document needs to find ways to address this.
           Improve our collective response to the disease.  Prevention should be the main focus but also the financial solution to a cure.
           They need to develop long term sustainability to support this document in this troubling economic era.
           Prevention is not included in terms of key groups (all of the above including prisoners, migrants and transgender. Attempts to eradicate the stigma, for example, an inability for this vulnerable group to keep their jobs.
           Gender equality and social issues - women and girls are the most vulnerable and make up a large percentage of those affected. Engage the youth of those infected in the political declaration.

 3. Thailand: HIV prevention:
     Treatment itself is a form of prevention and a mass informational campaign and focus on the target groups.
           HIV treatment: treatment that targets increased care and accessibility mother - child transmission, reduce discrimination, and strengthening healthcare in general.
           Financing treatment: increase funding on the global fund & the national level through strategic partnerships.

4. Russian federation:
     Make sure awareness exists in sub Sahara Africa and Eastern Europe even though they have seen a decrease in action in their region.
           The strategy should include the tackling of transportation of illegal drugs. 

5. Norway: Active Leadership
     Using resources effectively, linking all services into mainstream social services sector.
           Attention to sexual reproductive rights, and mother and child rights.
           Efforts to counteract discrimination.
           Attention to developing Youth leadership to draw on their insights since they can play a big role in prevention.
           Prevention must be placed in a higher priority category.
           Gender expectations and equality, substance abuse and HIV make the connection between the two stronger.
6. Holy SEE:
     Abstinence is the only way to prevent the diseases - free faith organizations should be included as a resource for prevention.

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