Monday, March 21, 2011


First Day of spring and what a cold dreary day to kick off spring. The weather didn’t stop the UN Permanent Missions of Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Iran from celebrating Norwruz and the Persian New Year. Norwurz is not a strictly Islamic or Arabic tradition it is celebrated throughout the world by people of different races, creeds, ethnicity, religions, and political affiliations. At the celebration I sat next to Josee Reboul, a member of network 20-20 (an organization that is dedicated to getting people for high school to college age into international affairs. Ensuring that the leaders of tomorrow are more cognitive of the world today). After the main speech at the Millennium Hotel we went back to the main UN Building for a gathering in the General Assembly Hall, which was followed by traditional Persian food, dessert, music, and dance. The night was memorable and gave me far more incite to the world of Persian culture and its relations to our culture than I could have imagined. my notes: 

Conference organized by the Permanent missions of Afghanistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Tajikistan. Millennium Plaza Hotel Diplomat Ballroom.
    Nowruz means the hours of light and darkness are balanced on this day.  It marks the commencement of spring. It has never been a political nor strongly religious celebration, it celebrates and honors the earth. It is one of the oldest celebrations in the history of civilization. It is now being celebrated throughout Afghanistan after being banned by the Taliban.
    The movement of green Afghanistan works hand in hand with Nowruz as the country has asked all of it’s 7 million students to plant 2 trees, one for them selves and one in honor of their country. Spreading the message through FB and staying responsible of the trees they planted.
    Nowruz has bonded people from different nationalities, religions, political affiliations, and races. It represents the true meaning of togetherness, it calls all members of the human community to come together.  It has the potential to be the tool to unite people worldwide.

The Min of culture (Tajikistan)
    Nowruz became an international celebration after 2001 when the general assembly passed a resolution acknowledging it. It is a national holiday here (T).

Professor Richard Frye
    The Cushaks were the most important pre-Islamic people. Trade was free, people openly communicated with each other and built the civilization. Turkey also celebrates Nowruz and should be here to unite with it’s brother nations.

Prof. Akbar Turson
    It is not just the first day of spring or the new year. It is born from the unity of astronomy and mythology, ascetics and morality. It is part of persian identity. It does not rely on religion, race or ethnicity, geography, or kinship; it is culture. Why is the spring equinox the beginning of the new year? Because of morals/ethics, it is the need for a beginning in the soul.  There is a need for balance at this time.
  Prof. Parviz Morewedge
    Zoroastrian roots of Nowruz.
    Torheed- unity
    Persian culture is full of literature and principles that are born out of the search for unity. Evil is the privation of good. It is not a substance.
    According to Tosei God has no purpose and therefore it is goodwill that emanated by the Amon. Amon is the guide, he does not make the world, he is the guide through it. Zoroaster began this thought and Niche spread it through German thought.

Prof. Michael Barry
    The affronted sphinxes with sun bird pulled the light of the moon from between the monsters above Prince Bahrohon.
    King Darius triumph over two lions ( call Prof. Karanik for art)
    The king is analyzed as the son of the sun and the moon
    Persepolis Iran ( one of the capital cities of the Persian empire fell during the reign of Darius the 3rd it was burned by Alexanders soldiers)

Ricardo Sanchez UN Environment
    People  must preserve biodiversity. In the process we save ourselves because we need a health sustainable environment.
    St. Francis of A is related to the story of the “ Brother sun Sister moon” has Islamic origins with the story of prince Bahrohon. both France and England placed the crown between two lions and claimed it in front of the Pope.

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